Writer Xue Mo
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Xue Mo Biography(雪漠传记)

2021-10-23 08:50 From: www.xuemo.com Author: Ruxue Media Browse: 11258508 Times














雪漠曾三度入围茅盾文学奖,连续六次获敦煌文艺奖,以及荣获冯牧文学奖中国作家大红鹰文学奖。在 2015 年,他入选为中国品牌文化十大人物。他的作品已经由世界各地的知名出版商出版,并被翻译成20多种语言。英文版有《大漠祭》、《猎原》、《西夏咒》、《无死的金刚心》、《世界是心的倒影》、《空空之外》、《女神的情书》《娑萨朗》史诗。


Xue Mo Biography

Xue Mo, formerly known as Chen Kaihong, was born in a remote village in the Liangzhou district of Gansu province. He grew up surrounded by sand, drought and poverty, and by the love and kindness of his family. His parents lead a peasant farmer’s life and were unable to read, yet from a young age, Xue Mo dreamed of being a writer. There were few books in his village, but relatives and guests often visited and told stories. As a boy he would memorise these tales and retell them, much to his father’s delight.

Xue Mo found his village to be rich with stories too and this stoked his curiosity and imagination. If a villager, squatting on a wall, told him he would pluck the stars from the sky, Xue Mo first believed and then fantasied that he, himself, would do the same thing one day. After school he often visited a blind neighbor, Mr Jia Fushan, and listen to him play local Xianxiao songs on a sanxian, a traditional three-stringed lute. The songs told of the vagaries of life, of its simplicity and its depths, and of kindness and the capacity for personal transformation. The songs became deeply embedded in the young boy’s mind, and they continue to form keynotes that reverberate across all of Xue Mo’s writing.

As a boy, Xue Mo also idolized the Monkey King from the classic tale TheJourney to the West and the Monkey’s quest to follow his master to bring Buddhist scriptures from India to China. He wished he could conjure treasures as his hero did – the treasure he most desired was a book to read. There were few books in his village, and he only had access to textbooks at school. His parents encouraged his dream of being a writer by giving him his first book, a comic bookBattle Steed Gallop.

There was one further inspiration in Xue Mo’s early life: his uncle. He practiced numerology and divination, and following local beliefs, advised Xue Mo’s father to place a lamp at the top of a tall pole in the centre of the family courtyard one day. He said that each day, as night visited the family, they should light the lamp. If they did so, someone in the family would make a great contribution to the world. Accepting his brother’s advice, Xue Mo’s father went to the river, cut down a small tree, erected it in the yard and placed a lamp on top. From the first night that the light was turned on, Xue Mo saw hope. Although their electricity bill was very high, indeed the greatest expense the family faced, the light in the courtyard was always turned on at night. Its faint glow penetrated the darkness as Xue Mo grew from childhood into youth, and youth into adulthood.

Xue Mo’s uncle also taught the young boy a saying – “Just as nature is, at its heart, dynamic, a gentleman must constantly strive”. He encouraged his nephew to remember the saying and to work towards self-improvement and being socially responsible. Xue Mo decided to take his uncle’s advice.

At the age of 15, after writing an essay titled “A Letter to Uncle Scientist”, Xue Mo was selected to study at a county school, Wuwei No.1 Middle School. The essay later became an example studied at many schools. The school opened up the opportunity for Xue Mo to read a large number of books, including translated classics from overseas. He developed a daily practice of reading and keeping a diary, and took up Kung Fu to keep fit. With no teacher available to guide the young scholar in his literary ambitions, he adopted the Russian author Leo Tolstoy as a role model. When he read, Xue Mo imagined himself speaking freely with Tolstoy and in so doing developed his own inner voice.

After graduated from Wuwei No.1 Middle School ,Xue Mo continued his education at Wuwei Normal Secondary School and on graduating was assigned to teach at a local middle school. For the first time in his life he was earning a salary and could extend his reading by buying books and literary magazines. Never losing sight of his ambitions, the young man wrote in his spare time, and built a body of work over the next six years.

When Xue Mo was 25, his story “Clouds And Mist Rose Where The Sun Set” was published in Feitian magazine and his reputation as a young writer from Gansu province began to form. This new recognition took some processing and for a while he struggled to write. As a means of coping, Xue Mo turned to the philosophies of Mahamudra. He adopted related practices and they helped him overcome his anxiety and restore his confidence in his writing. The stories he discovered during this journey inspired him to write his next two published works, the magical realist novel “The Holy Monk and Spirit Woman” and Mahamudra practice manual “Beyond Sunyata —The Essence of Mahamudra”.

From this point forward, Xue Mo wrote extensively, in a variety of literary forms including novels, poems, and philosophical essays. His work investigated the themes of love, freedom, life and death, and humans’ relationship with nature. It has enjoyed extensive Chinese media coverage, received critical acclaim and is regularly identified as seminal literature from China’s western provinces. Xue Mo’s writing is credited as presenting an alternative, spiritual lifestyle for people today.

Xue Mo’s best known work is his Desert Trilogy. He dedicated 12 years to writing “Desert Rites”, the first novel in the series. It depicts the life of a typical rural family in China’s western provinces during the second half of the twentieth century. After it was published in 2000, Xue Mo became famous overnight. Following the critical and commercial success of “Desert Rites”, Xue Mo wrote “Desert Hunters”, a multi-character fable set around a watering hole known as the ‘Pig’s Belly Well’. The novel examines the conflict between humans and nature in their struggle for survival. The final novel in the trilogy, “White Tiger Pass”, explores the cultural psychology of people living in western China, and focuses around the lives of three women, Lan Lan, Ying and Yue – characters also encountered in his short story collection, “Selected Stories by Xue Mo”.

Xue Mo has been nominated three times for the Mao Dun Literature Prize. He won the Dunhuang Literature and Art Award six times in succession, and gained further recognition winning the Feng Mu Literature Prize and the Red Eagle Literature Prize for Chinese Writers. In 2015 the author’s name was recognized as one of the ten leading brands in China thanks to his influence in the field of cultural studies. His books have been published around the world and translated into over 20 languages. Titles available in English are: Desert Rites, Desert Hunters, Curses of Xixia Dynasty, The Holy Monk and the Spirit Woman, The World is A Reflection of the Mind, The Essence of Mahamudra,Epic SuoSalangand Love letters From the Goddess.

“Selected Stories by Xue Mo” has been translated into more than fifteen languages, and the Guardian newspaper selected and published one story in the anthology - "Old Man Xinjiang" – in their collection of five top short stories from contemporary China.

Nicola Clayton,刘晓领译)

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